About Us


 Our Vision
Equipping men to reach their maximum potentials.

Our Goal

Our goal is to equip men so that they can be leaders of our communities and able to raise healthy families, in which the next generation of leaders will be developed.

Our Strategy 

Through Men of Their Word conferences, seminars, retreats, education initiatives, partnerships with faith-based communities and social organizations, and with the help churches  and hundreds of volunteers, we are been able to reach thousands of men with our messages and programs. 
   We are committed to be part of the solution of issues affecting our communities such as divorce, high school dropout, crime, drugs addiction, and poverty. 
It has been identified that the roots of these problems are found in the absence of men and his leadership in the daily life of the family and community, in the falling apart of the family structure and the lack of opportunities for success. 
The problems affecting our communities cannot be solved in one day, or by good intention only, it takes a deep, strategic intervention to solve these issue.

Our Mission 

      Empowering men through the love of Jesus Christ to be better individuals, husbands,                                                 fathers, and active members  of their communities 

Our Board of Directors

Carlos E. Duran
Founder and President
Chairman of the Board
Washington D.C.

Libia Duran

Gustavo J. Monaco

Manuel Arredondo

Frank Ybarra

Guillermo Perez
New York

Elias Sorto Ramos
“Very good talks to form the character of man and that is the head of the home. God bless all the organizers that  help train men.”
Diana Vigil, Washington DC -Facebook comment
“I was able to find not what was lost, but a motivation to continue the work that this ministry is doing. I congratulate you, I took a group of men with me to the conference who were amazed and after a month, we continue talking about the event. God bless the team of HDP.”
Willie Perez, New York -Facebook comment
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